We are pleased to communicate that VITAFOODS supports the Global Compact | UN, (world's largest business sustainability initiative), which works based on four pillars; Human Rights, Labor Rights, the Environment and the fight against Corruption, and that these contain the ten fundamental principles in terms of sustainability.
Our General Manager | CEO Gonzalo Bachelet Artigues, has signed the incorporation to the Global Compact, expressing his continued support and the renewal of Vitafoods' commitment to this initiative and its principles, together with Margarita Ducci Budge Executive Director of the Global Compact Network Chile.
Through this communication, we express our intention to support and develop these principles within our sphere of influence. We are committed to making the Global Compact part of our company's strategy, culture and daily actions, as well as to engage in cooperative projects that contribute to the broader United Nations Development Goals, in particular the Sustainable Development Goals.

- United Nations Initiative
- Leadership platform for the development, implementation and distribution of responsible and sustainable business practices and policies.
- Supported by the major agreements approved in the United Nations conventions, in the areas of Human Rights, Labor Relations, Environment and Anticorruption.
- With more than 15,500 member companies around the world, 75,799 sustainability reports, and networks in 165 countries, it is the largest voluntary corporate responsibility initiative in the world.
- In Chile, since 2007 under the auspices of Andrés Bello University.

Human Rights
Principle 1: Support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.
Principle 2: Avoid being involved in human rights abuses.

Labor Ethics
Principle 3: Respect the freedom of association and the recognition of the rights to collective bargaining
Principle 4: The elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour.
Principle 5: The abolition of child labour.
Principle 6: The elimination of discrimination with respect to employment and occupation.

Principle 7: Support the application of a precautionary approach with respect to environmental problems.
Principle 8: Adopt initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.
Principle 9: Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies

Labor Ethics
Principle 10: Act against all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery.